As the COVID-19 situation continues to rapidly evolve, we are continuing to update our office polices to ensure your health and wellness are always our number one priority. At this time, we are trying our best to limit the number of people in our office, so we ask that you please...
Dear Valued Patients and Caregivers, We want to reassure you we are closely monitoring the Coronavirus (Covid19) via the CDC, WHO, and NC Department of Health. We want to make sure that all our patients and staff are kept healthy in the days ahead. In an effort to minimize possible exposure...
Our Dermatology and Mohs practice has an immediate opening for a qualified Medical Assistant to join our growing practice. We are are in the process of moving to a new state-of-the-art medical office located in the Waterford Village in Leland and will begin seeing patients there September 1st. Click on the...
As you may have heard, Bluewater Dermatology & Skin Cancer Center will be moving into a new building in Leland, NC, scheduled to open September 3rd, 2019. We are very excited about our future new office, which is custom designed to create a state-of-the-art healthcare setting for our patients. I know...
Most of us have freckles, moles or birthmarks. Most people have a combination of all three. It’s common for people to assume they’d know skin cancer when they saw it. Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United States. Fortunately, skin cancer is also one of the...
During a skin exam with a Dermatologist the doctor uncovers one part of your skin at a time, looking closely at any unusual spots, patches, moles or lesions. If a biopsy is needed, the Dermatologist will numb the area, then remove all or part of the suspicious lesion, to be sent...
There are over 5 million cases of skin cancer diagnosed in the United States each year. Although skin cancer is the most common cancer in the US, it is also one of the most preventable forms of cancer. The leading culprit for skin cancer is exposure to UV radiation from the...
Flip flops aren’t just for the beach anymore. You see them in big cities and on men as well as women. How many of you have had a foot sunburn? Most of us have. We usually apply sunscreen to our face, arms, neck and legs but are guilty of neglecting to...
1. How your skin is aging is mostly genetic. False. The way your skin ages is 90% under your control. That means, wear your sunscreen every day, have a healthy diet and manage your stress. 2. Your skin loses more water while you sleep than when you’re awake. True. Losing water...